GRB 120819A at (565) Bassano Bresciano Observatory

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Exposures start date: 2012-08-19
Exposures start time: 19:44:21 U.T.

Schmidt D=320 mm Mag. Lim= 19.5

U.Quadri, L.Strabla, R.Girelli, A.Quadri

Informations from GCN notice:

TRIGGER_NUM: 531428,
NOTICE_DATE: Sun 19 Aug 12 13:11:43 UT
GRB_RA: 235.888d {+15h 43m 33s} (J2000)
GRB_DEC: -7.305d {-07d 18' 16"} (J2000)
GRB_ERROR: 3.00 [arcmin radius, statistical only]
GRB_DATE: 16158 TJD; 232 DOY; 12/08/19
GRB_TIME: 47414.44 SOD {13:10:14.44} UT
This is a GRB

GCN Circular of this burst

Observers notes: (these notes are added by observers at the end of followup)

We did not appear any reasonable optical
counterpart in the error box of the
XRTcandidate (Beardmore et al., GCNC 13681) 
at our limiting magnitude.