GRB 141031A at (565) Bassano Bresciano Observatory

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Exposures start date: 2014-10-31
Exposures start time: 17:06:13 U.T.

Schmidt D=320 mm - Mag. Lim= 18
Newton D=250 mm - Mag. Lim= 18

U.Quadri, L.Strabla,R.Girelli,A.Quadri

Informations from GCN notice:

TRIGGER_NUM: 617149,
NOTICE_DATE: Fri 31 Oct 14 14:57:39 UT
GRB_RA: 356.932d {+23h 47m 44s} (J2000)
GRB_DEC: +41.365d {+41d 21' 56"} (J2000)
GRB_ERROR: 3.00 [arcmin radius, statistical only]
GRB_DATE: 16961 TJD; 304 DOY; 14/10/31
GRB_TIME: 53805.06 SOD {14:56:45.06} UT
This is a GRB

GCN Circular of this burst

Observers notes: (these notes are added by observers at the end of followup)

We did not found any optical counterpart
in the error box of the XRTcandidate.

Start T0+      End T0+      Vlim
2.16 hour     4.48 hour      18